On 6th October 2012 the Grand Master attended Lodge Coeur de Lion-Narooma to witness the installation of Bro Paul Bishop in the chair of King Solomon. The Moruya Masonic Centre was filled to capacity for the occasion and some 70 brethren and ladies attended the installation banquet. This Lodge is a real success story and testimony to the need for hard work and dedication if a Lodge is to be successful these days. Three years ago Lodge Coeur de Lion was in dire straits and today it boasts 49 members with Master Masons in all progressive offices. The fact that Lodge Narooma recent consolidated with Coeur de Lion helped things along as well and has been of benefit to both Lodges.

The Grand Master presenting W Bro Paul Bishop with his installation certificate.

The Grand Master, Worshipful Master and the Installing Master RW Bro Jim Jones.

RW Bro Brian Potter, RGC, the Grand Master and RW Bro Jim Jones receiving his Past Master's jewel.

A Master Mason being presented with his Certificate.

Worshipful Master and Officers.

WM and Officers with the Grand Master, GDC, Sword and Standard Bearers and the Immediate Past DGIW, VW bro Rod Bradford.


RW Bro Free-Robertson, RW Bro Alan Brown and RW Bro Graham Charlton from Canberra.

Paul Bishop presents the Grand Master with a Lodge coffee mug.

(Photographs courtesy of VW Bro Rod Bradford)